
Rep Pete Lee

Date of Dialogue: May 16, 2013
Description: Don’t miss this informative, explicitly specific, inspiring conversation with Colorado Representative Pete Lee. Pete speaks eloquently to the process and movement that resulted in the passage of the Restorative Justice Pilot Project (then HB 13-1254, now law) and shares his own cultivated facts and insights into why RJ makes sense, and how it worked in Colorado during the momentum building leading up to the passage into law. This interview is of particular interest to those in other states wanting to beef up on important insights and challenges towards creating an RJ bill and ultimately passing it. Rep. Lee shares clues and key insights into some of the major obstacles they faced, and addresses some of the common concerns that came up in opposition to the bill, as well as how they worked to dissolve misconceptions about RJ and its efficacy.

Brief Bio: Colorado Representative Pete Lee (House District 18) has championed Restorative justice in Colorado and was co-sponsor of HB 13-1254, The Restorative Justice Pilot Project, which just passed last week. He also was key in the passage of the first Restorative justice bill two years ago and serves as an adviser to many State councils and organizations in the field.

Rep. Lee has been a public servant in the truest sense for a good portion of his life and is also an attorney.

More about Rep. Lee

Rep. Pete Lee on RJ:


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