
Monthly Advocacy Calls

Our monthly National Restorative Justice Advocacy calls allow space to brainstorm grassroots advocacy and legislation goals, to share tools and ideas, and to network with each other.

(Calls are mid-month on a monthly basis. One sign up gets you on the rotating list for each month, and you never need to sign up again.)

If you’ve missed recent calls and want to catch up, check out our archives:

Questions? Contact Molly at

They’re open to anyone in the field of restorative justice, or related fields. These are co-hosted by The Peace Alliance and the NACRJ (National Association of Communities and Restorative Justice)

Stated (Formal) Goals

National and State Policy and Legislative Advocacy & Community Restorative Justice Movement Building

While the modern day community restorative justice movement continues to evolve at the state and community levels, jurisdictions have addressed justice system concerns with policy and legislative agendas. These actions have lead to a response to crime and established a balance between the needs of the victims, offenders and community.

The goal of the advocacy coalition is to advocate for legislative and policy directives that further community restorative justice principles and practices at the community, state and national levels. Identified priorities include, but are not limited to:

Youth Promise ActRestorative Practices in SchoolsVictim’s Rights ActNational community restorative justice legislationState community restorative justice legislation

In addition, and equally important, is the propelling of the national community restorative justice movement in a coordinated fashion, with objectives and actions that are cooperatively administered and shared that underpin the great work happening nationwide and supporting stronger cohesion therein and that recognize the key role our local communities play in this movement.

Objectives would include and overlap with above legislative and advocacy goals:

  1. Coordinate and Host regular tele-convenings to strategize and discern actions that align with aim of furthering awareness, education and advocacy that propel legislative actions, support community restorative practices and receive updates on their progress, and otherwise.
  2. Drive membership and interest towards NACRJ as repository and convening body for  restorative justice practices in the U.S.
  3. Collect data and information that otherwise may be yet unknown regarding organizations and programs in community restorative justice nationwide.
  4. Explore ways to appropriately collaborate on projects that further awareness, advocacy and education.

Molly Rowan Leach and Dr. Sandra Pavelka will serve as lead facilitators for this national coalition and will coordinate and host tele-convenings and steward collaborative actions and follow through towards the above-stated goals.

Kelly McGrath was a key catalyst in this coalition’s early stages and continues to play a role as a contributor and guide--thank you, Kelly!  Also advising and participating is Mike Gilbert, Executive Director of the NACRJ. (

Contact information:

Molly Rowan Leach:

Dr. Sandra Pavelka:

Curious about restorative justice legislation in other states? Take a look through our archive:


Thanks to the Massachusetts Restorative Justice Coalition and Communities for Restorative Justice for their leadership in this initiative!

S71, H1313 - An Act Promoting Restorative Justice Practices (agenda)

S71, H1313 - An Act Promoting Restorative Justice Practices (legislative briefing)

S71, H1313 - An Act Promoting Restorative Justice Practices (fact sheet)


HB 15-1094 - A Bill for an Act Concerning Restorative Justice (full text)

Molly Rowan Leach

Dr. Sandra Pavelka

Restorative Justice on the Rise

Media That Matters: Public Dialogue On Justice

To provide connection, advocacy, education and inspired action as a public service to individuals and communities seeking to proactively improve relationships and structures within their spheres and our world.

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