
Elevating Justice Within Courts, Schools & The Criminal Justice System From a Prosecutor's Perspective

Senator Pete Lee (CO), a champion for restorative justice or "RJ" in Colorado and the US for decades, interviews Prosecutor Adam Foss who is Founder and Executive Director of Prosecutor Impact at the National Association for Community and Restorative Justice Conference this past June in Denver, CO.

Adam dives in to answer Sen. Lee's poignant and direct questions about stumbling blocks, misperceptions, and how restorative justice can better answer to both "lower level" cases as well as more serious ones, and how that supports persons harmed as well as the rehabilitation of parties committing offenses. This 15 minute segment also covers ACEs and how we look at justice from childhood onward using Trauma-Informed practices and restorative practices that are implemented as "upstream of conflict" practice, answering to these critical needs.

"A New Perspective for Prosecutors" -- one of Prosecutor Impact's driving principles, is also explained thoroughly. Adam Foss presented as a Keynote at the June conference, opening with a driving and powerful reminder that we must get uncomfortable to do justice. Special thanks to Senator Lee and Adam Foss and their subsequent and dedicated efforts.

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Restorative Justice on the Rise

Media That Matters: Public Dialogue On Justice

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