

Center for Restorative Justice



The Center for Restorative Justice is a non-profit, volunteer organization established in 1997. The Center’s primary purpose is to arrange and conduct Restorative Justice Conferencing between victims of crime and the offenders. CFRJ also promotes peacemaking through community and group circles to schools, organizations and Tribal entities. Trained volunteers work to help people heal relationships damaged by crime or harmful actions. Restorative justice allows people to speak directly with each other in a safe and respectful environment, to discuss the impact of a crime or dispute on their lives, to better understand events leading to or resulting from harmful acts, and to work out mutually agreeable resolutions.

Restorative Justice on the Rise

Media That Matters: Public Dialogue On Justice

To provide connection, advocacy, education and inspired action as a public service to individuals and communities seeking to proactively improve relationships and structures within their spheres and our world.

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