

JAMES O'DEA was Director of the Washington D.C. Office of James O'Dea, Former Director of Amnesty Int'l Washington DC Office, and Internationally renowned Peacebuilder Amnesty International for a decade, represented the US to the UN and is famous for challenging both former Presidents Clinton and Bush Sr. on their human rights records. O'Dea is an internationally renowned Peacebuilder and has teamed up with fellow leaders Arun Gandhi and Deepak Chopra for last summer's World Peace Festival in Berlin. He has an international student body from over 25 countries who participate in ongoing trainings and he is an author of multiple works including Creative Stress (2010) and the upcoming Cultivating Peace (Spring 2012). He has consulted with numerous governmental organizations and has led reconciliation talks in N. Ireland, Rwanda, Israel/Palestine and in the US. He is considered to be one of the most knowledgeable facilitators of peace and conflict resolution in our world. Recently he also began working directly with Law firms in the US and is co-hosting an Intensive for Lawyers in February 2012 with J. Kim Wright, "Lawyers as Agents of Evolutionary Change".


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