Dr. Judith Thompson has spent decades of her life in service to social healing and peace in our world. She has an exquisite soul-eloquence and a brilliant mind. She is one of the pioneers leading scholarly research and conducting Social Healing circles internationally and is the Co-Director of the International Social Healing Project with James O'Dea. DOWNLOAD PDF of their report “The Social Healing Project”: http://jamesodea.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/The-Social-Healing-Project-Report.pdf
Judith has spent countless hours disseminating the essentials of how wounding and healing correspond. I am truly and deeply honored that she will be my guest tomorrow night for the continuing series on Restorative Justice and Social Healing in the U.S. and beyond. You won't want to miss this time with Judith--she'll be sharing insights from the field and what she and James discovered in their work in Rwanda, Israel/Palestine, and right here in the U.S.