
Creating Restorative Spaces with Barb Toews and Deanna Van Buren

RJOY (Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth) Space Design by Deanna

January 23, 2014
Creating Restorative Spaces with Barb Toews and Deanna Van Buren
Topic: Barb and Deanna discuss how the setup and design of a space can proactively support restorative processes, including Deanna’s experience designing space for Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth (pictured above). An excellent body of work and a growing new field that also resembles other countries who are re-thinking justice architecture.


Deanna Van Buren is the founder and Design Director of FOURM design studio in Oakland California and recent Loeb Fellow at Harvard's Graduate School of Design. Her practice focuses on the investigation and application of design innovations to the punitive justice system and alternative forms of justice that embrace reparation. Recent projects include a peacekeeping room and design guidelines for restorative spaces in schools with Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth and the design and construction of a Peacemaking Center with the Center for Court Innovation in Syracuse, New York.


Barb Toews is an experienced practitioner and educator in restorative justice. Publications include Critical Issues in Restorative Justice, co-edited with Howard Zehr, and The Little Book of Restorative Justice for People in Prison. Barb holds a MA in Conflict Transformation and is a PhD candidate at Bryn Mawr College's Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research.
Her research concerns the relationship between environmental design, especially that of correctional institutions, and psycho-social-behavioral and judicial outcomes.


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