Description of Dialogue: Jacques shares about the GRIP program and insights into ways that ISO programs help inmates transform themselves into change agents. Great program for those looking to do work within Corrections, and for anyone who cares about root causes of crime and viable ways to address them.
Jacques Verduin, MA Somatic Psych. is a father, community organizer and a teacher.
He is the Founding Director of the Insight Prison Project (IPP), a non-profit that since 1997 pioneers innovative in-prison rehabilitation programs in San Quentin. In 2011 he founded Insight-Out (IS0), which provides services and self-development opportunities to prisoners and challenged youth and empowers them to positively transform their predicament.
Jacques has trained former prisoners to act as Change Agents in the community, working to prevent violence and incarceration. He is a subject matter expert on mindfulness, emotional intelligence and transforming violence. He has worked in prisons for 16 years and serves as a catalyst for state-wide prison reform in California.
Email: Jacques (