
Conflict In The Comments with Dominic Barter & Rivera Sun

Relationships are being created, nourished and sometimes destroyed in online spaces. Are there ways to nourish authentic dialogue and conflict resolution when things get ‘hot’ online? How can we deal with trolls - or friends and relatives acting like trolls - and getting through heated arguments to meaningful communication?

Join Rivera Sun and Dominic Barter to explore these questions and emergent best practices for an online conversation, moderated by Kit Miller and hosted by Molly Rowan Leach.

These online skills can also translate into a toolbox that we can use in the street or around the dinner table to shift from fighting to opening hearts and minds.

This event is a benefit to support Nonviolence Now, a global media project dedicated to introducing nonviolence to the planet’s 7 billion residents.

Molly Rowan Leach hosts and produces Restorative Justice on The Rise, a creative-commons advocacy, education and narrative-tipping platform that has captured the global restorative justice movement's growth since 2011. Her written works have appeared at TruthOut, Daily Good, HuffPost, and Democracy Now.

Kit Miller serves as director of the MK Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence in Rochester, NY and facilitates the Nonviolence Now project team. She teaches and works on projects related to restorative justice and anti-racism as applications of nonviolence in Rochester.

Awesome guests:
Rivera Sun is the author of The Dandelion Insurrection and other novels and essays. She is a trainer in strategy for nonviolent movements and has been a social media for social change coordinator for Campaign Nonviolence, Metta Center for Nonviolence, and others.

Dominic Barter designs social systems that promote dialogue, empathy, innovation and partnership. Over 23 years his work has been applied in 48 countries. He is part of ‘Redes Cordiais’, which brings together social media influencers from opposing political tendencies


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Restorative Justice on the Rise

Media That Matters: Public Dialogue On Justice

To provide connection, advocacy, education and inspired action as a public service to individuals and communities seeking to proactively improve relationships and structures within their spheres and our world.

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Media That Matters:
Public Dialogue On Justice

Restorative Justice on the Rise is an international live dialogue via Webcast and Telecouncil platform that reaches an international constituency of invididuals, organizations, professionals, academics, practitioners, and more. The mission is to provide connection, advocacy, education and inspired action as a public service to individuals and communities seeking to proactively improve relationships and structures within their spheres and our world.

© Copyright Restorative Justice On The Rise. All Rights Reserved.
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