
Restorative Arlington Strategic Plan, November 2020

Thank you to Liane Rozzell for permissions to repost & distribute openly on behalf of Restorative Arlington. -Ed.

The Restorative Arlington initiative is a countywide, cross-sector effort to
bring the benefits of restorative justice practices to Arlington. Starting in late
April 2020, a dedicated group of 45 people who live, work, worship, teach,
study and volunteer in Arlington County, Virginia, began to explore how to
adopt restorative justice practices in Arlington’s schools, legal system, and
community contexts.

These Restorative Arlington working group members
met for more than 1,300 person-hours over six months, learning from
experts in both nearby communities and other parts of the country.
This strategic plan emerged from that work. In it, we outline the vision and
principles that will guide the Restorative Arlington initiative going forward.
It is the general framework for the more detailed implementation efforts
that we are starting to develop. We hope it informs and inspires you to
support and engage with the Restorative Arlington initiative.

RA Strategic Plan

Restorative Justice on The Rise is grateful to its global community of speakers, faculty, practitioners, participants and advocates. We thought you might like to see a one-page synopsis of our public, free offerings along with the tuition or fee-based education and consults we've put in place to offset the podcast and free aspects of our service to advocacy, movement building, dialogue, and connection.


PDF: 2019 Programs & Offering Highlights

La Justicia Restaurativa en The Rise está agradecida a su comunidad global de oradores, profesores, profesionales, participantes y defensores. Pensamos que le gustaría ver una sinopsis de una página de nuestras ofertas públicas y gratuitas, junto con la matrícula o la educación basada en tarifas, y consultas que hemos puesto en marcha para compensar el podcast y los aspectos gratuitos de nuestro servicio a la promoción, la construcción de movimientos, el diálogo y las consultas que hemos puesto en marcha para compensar el podcast y los aspectos gratuitos de nuestro servicio a la promoción, la construcción del movimiento, el diálogo y Conexión.

Restorative Justice on The Rise est reconnaissante à sa communauté mondiale de conférenciers, de professeurs, de praticiens, de participants et de défenseurs. Nous avons pensé que vous aimeriez voir un résumé d'une page de nos offres publiques, gratuites ainsi que les frais de scolarité ou d'éducation basée sur les frais et les consultations que nous avons mis en place pour compenser le podcast et les aspects gratuits de notre service à la défense, la construction de mouvements, le dialogue, et Connexion.


A survey of 500 Defendants about Restorative Justice: Their Awareness of and Interest in participating in Restorative Justice


Gretchen Casey

This 2018 study examines defendant awareness about restorative justice and defendant interest in participating in restorative conversations with victims of their crimes. Using a non probability convenience sample of individuals sentenced to prison and individuals serving probation, 500 individuals who identified as defendants in criminal cases were asked to complete a 4 question survey about their awareness of Restorative Justice (RJ) and their personal interest in participating in RJ if it was available in their criminal case. The results of the survey are shared publicly in the hopes it will inspire further study by researchers within both academic and prison institutions. Our hope is that this survey will bring increased attention to the needs of victims and the accountability that restorative justice and the Florida criminal justice system can invite, support, and offer to offenders as a means to repair and prevent reoccurring harm. This study was funded by the River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding (RPCP) and conducted in 2018 and authored by Gretchen Casey, RPCP Director of Restorative Justice Outreach and Training.

Questions and inquiries can be emailed to RPCP here

Download [219.30 KB]

The Colorado Restorative Justice Coalition, in partnership with the University of Denver, has recently released a report that outlines key areas of progress and of need.

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Reckoning With Violence

We must face violent crime honestly and courageously if we are ever to end mass incarceration and provide survivors what they truly want and need to heal.

Michelle Alexander

By Michelle Alexander, Opinion Columnist

In this piece that we highly recommend, Ms. Alexander, a friend and former guest of Restorative Justice on The Rise, speaks to the viability of RJ in violent crime cases, which is a topic not often confronted in this growing field, for many obvious reasons. We love this article and hope you'll surf to the NYT link here to read in full.

If you are looking to find an active and engaging online community, you might appreciate as we do the Restorative Circles Facebook group conversation page. If you are new to the global work of RC and Dominic Barter, you might also appreciate visiting the website

In addition, Restorative Justice on The Rise has had multiple opportunities to dialogue with and interview Dominic Barter and some of his colleagues--find those podcasts in our Archives (free to download and also available at iTunes)

The Heart’s Intuitive Intelligence –

a path to personal, social and global coherence

Reposted in part from The Institute of HeartMath

Restorative justice practices include exploring the power of self regulation and how to practice regulation specific to our needs in order to better navigate conflict when it arises.  The Institute of HeartMath has researched coherence and how the heart is in fact our "second brain", comprising of neurons and characteristics similar to our more northern organ often considered to be the primary director of our manifest actions and choices. IHM's research shows that our heart, and its torroidal field, impact our ability to increase capacity to navigate conflict, amplify climates of peace, and to gain a deeper understanding of the science-based studies in this significant field that has the potential to shift and increase our ability to match restorative values with our actual practices.

This is a repost from HeartMath's website. For the full post and to find out more please surf to the original page here.

Restorative Aotearoa, from the Diana Unwin Chair in Restorative Justice, Wellington, New Zealand

Restorative Community of Aotearoa New Zealand

Map of Programs in New Zealand



Excerpted from February enews. Copyright © 2019 The Diana Unwin Chair in Restorative Justice, at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. All rights reserved.

For your networks: Strengthening the Criminal Justice System for Victims Survey

The Strengthening the Criminal Justice System for Victims Survey is an opportunity for victims/survivors to tell us their views, what works and what doesn’t, and how it can be improved. We've been asked to share the link to the survey widely so that more victims' voices can be heard.

There are two versions – English and Te Reo and they can be found at the below links:
Strengthening the Criminal Justice System for Victims Survey
Te Whakakaha i te P?naha Ture Taihara m? ng? P?rurenga

Restorative Justice on the Rise

Media That Matters: Public Dialogue On Justice

To provide connection, advocacy, education and inspired action as a public service to individuals and communities seeking to proactively improve relationships and structures within their spheres and our world.

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