Critical Basics To Understand Restorative Justice's Role in Severe Crime and High-Risk Cases To Help Take First Steps, Build Capacity & Build Professional Support Systems 3 90m Webinar Sessions June 27th, July 11, July 25 All Sessions Online at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern US Includes Recordings, Resources, and Replays Plus One-to-One mentoring in Session 3!
-Understanding Unique Needs of High-Risk and Severe Crime in relationship to an RJ process -Discover or Develop Specific Roles with Cross-System and Professional Partners -Key and Critical Points of Practice for Intensive Processes -Collaborating With and Learning From Other Working or New Programs to Support Furthering Mission and Goals -How Severe Crime Impacts Stakeholders -Mentoring and Capacity-Building Zoom Session for Next Steps -Build Connections with Other Individuals and Programs with Similar Missions & Goals in creating or furthering restorative justice programs and services that provide Victim-Offender Dialogue and/or work directly with Incarcerated Persons.
About The Webinar Series:
Are you wondering how to get started in your area with a VOD restorative justice program? Or are you curious about how it works, or has worked, for established programs in the US? Or you might be looking to strengthen connections and support while receiving some insights and skills tips from a seasoned Facilitator, Kris Miner Schweigert. This online series aims to provide a wide array of professionals, advocates, and people working in their localities information and guidance on VOD, how to start, and how to strengthen existing structures that involve cross-professional and system "gatekeepers", such as Wardens, DAs, VAs, and more.
Please Note: This Webinar Series IS NOT a Facilitator Training but is an overview of essential elements a Facilitator or Facilitator-In-Training will need to know, as well as a way to discover how working programs moved forward with community and DOC partnerships to establish professional trust and collaboration with Victims Advocates, DA's, Department of Corrections Officials, and more. Kris Miner-Schweigert and host Molly Rowan Leach will share information about programs that offer trainings, are in-motion and having success in growing their work, and more.
Class One: Intro to High-Risk and Severe Crime Options
- Types of intensive work - Role and interaction with systems - Brief intro to essential 20 - Further learning recommendations
Thurs. June 27th: 5pm PST/8pmEST
Class Two: Unique Needs of High-Risk and Severe Crime RJ
- Extensive prep explained and why - Impact of severe crime on survivor and offender - Deep work, needs of facilitator capacity
Thurs. July 11th: 5pm PST/8pmEST
Class Three: Zoom Session
- build capacity and network - support and guidance from others -direct assessment support - Q & A
Thurs. July 25th: 5pmPST/8pmEST
Your Lead Guide and Contributing Guide/Host, Kris Miner-Schweigert of Circle-Space Services & Molly Rowan Leach:
To provide connection, advocacy, education and inspired action as a public service to individuals and communities seeking to proactively improve relationships and structures within their spheres and our world.
Restorative Justice on The Rise is an international live dialogue via Webcast and Telecouncil platform, held weekly, reaching an international constituency of a wide spectrum of invididuals, organizations, professionals, academics, practitioners, and beyond.