Restorative Justice on The Rise is grateful to its global community of speakers, faculty, practitioners, participants and advocates. We thought you might like to see a one-page synopsis of our public, free offerings along with the tuition or fee-based education and consults we've put in place to offset the podcast and free aspects of our service to advocacy, movement building, dialogue, and connection.
PDF: 2019 Programs & Offering Highlights
La Justicia Restaurativa en The Rise está agradecida a su comunidad global de oradores, profesores, profesionales, participantes y defensores. Pensamos que le gustaría ver una sinopsis de una página de nuestras ofertas públicas y gratuitas, junto con la matrícula o la educación basada en tarifas, y consultas que hemos puesto en marcha para compensar el podcast y los aspectos gratuitos de nuestro servicio a la promoción, la construcción de movimientos, el diálogo y las consultas que hemos puesto en marcha para compensar el podcast y los aspectos gratuitos de nuestro servicio a la promoción, la construcción del movimiento, el diálogo y Conexión.
Restorative Justice on The Rise est reconnaissante à sa communauté mondiale de conférenciers, de professeurs, de praticiens, de participants et de défenseurs. Nous avons pensé que vous aimeriez voir un résumé d'une page de nos offres publiques, gratuites ainsi que les frais de scolarité ou d'éducation basée sur les frais et les consultations que nous avons mis en place pour compenser le podcast et les aspects gratuits de notre service à la défense, la construction de mouvements, le dialogue, et Connexion.
Excerpt from Announcement at NACRJ website
Last spring during NACRJ's strategic planning meeting, the board determined to write a positioning statement on Historical Harm which is now fully posted on our website. A positioning statement helps NACRJ to 'position' itself within the currents of modern society where ideas and trends present new challanges as well as new opportunities. By defining our association with respect to the theme of historical harm, the NACRJ is able to not only express greater sensitivity to communities affected by long-standing harm, but also able to promote new initiatives that specifcally address historical harm in powerful, constructive, and humane ways.
As a member-driven organization, we certainly invite your thoughts and comments on this issue as we grow in our understandings and responses to historical harm.
Media That Matters:
Public Dialogue On Justice
Restorative Justice on the Rise is an international live dialogue via Webcast and Telecouncil platform that reaches an international constituency of invididuals, organizations, professionals, academics, practitioners, and more. The mission is to provide connection, advocacy, education and inspired action as a public service to individuals and communities seeking to proactively improve relationships and structures within their spheres and our world.