
Community Held Restorative Justice

recorded at Expanding Restorative Justice in Oregon

In 2021, the Criminal Justice Commission created rules regarding the administration of the Restorative Justice Grant Program. Those rules require applicants to propose community based restorative justice programs that serve as alternatives to prosecution. This requirement is in alignment with best practices from across the country that speak to the importance of community held restorative justice programs.

This panel discussion will explore the importance of keeping restorative justice programs based in community and separate from the criminal legal process. Panelists will provide background on their experiences with community based restorative justice programs and will speak to the critical differences between the restorative and punitive approaches to harm.




Shaylie Pickrell (She/they)

Restorative Justice Facilitator, Office Manager, Equity-Informed Mediator and Co-Founder of Restorative Roots Project


Danielle DeCant

Deputy District Attorney in Hood River County

Member of Circles of Peace Advisory Team in the Columbia River Gorge


Debra Pennington-Davis

Circles of Peace Program/Six Rivers Dispute Resolution Center

Restorative Justice Coordinator


Laura Diamond (She/her)

Conflict Artistry LLC

Co-owner, Coordinator, Facilitator


Emily B. Naylor

Emerging Adult Program / Community Solutions of Central Oregon

Restorative Justice Specialist & Lead Facilitator



In Partnership with:

Restorative Justice Coalition of Oregon

RJCO is a coalition of Oregon restorative justice practitioners and programs.

We promote and support the implementation and practice of restorative justice principles and models in Oregon’s justice, law enforcement, educational and other community institutions. 




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with Shaylie Pickrell

Director of Operations & Infrastructure, RJ Facilitator - Restorative Roots Project (PDX, OR, USA)

In this 1:15h episode, we drop deeply into the concept that our greatest losses might just be our greatest powers to serve our communities, and our world.

We explore key topics such as:

  • The Power of Vulnerability
  • Restorative Justice and Community Referrals
  • The Power of Our Stories
  • Arts and Restorative Justice
  • Insights From A Former Corrections Officer


Shaylie Pickrell (She/They) has a Bachelor's degree in Forensic Psychology from Western Oregon University (WOU). While at school, Shaylie worked for the Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention grant with the Research Institute at WOU. Additionally, she was a Victim's Advocate at the Marion County District Attorney's office. After graduation, Shaylie went on to work for Hope Partnership/Janus Youth Programs at MacLaren Youth Correctional Facility. She is a Certified Equity-Informed Mediator in the state of Oregon. She is now a Restorative Justice Facilitator for Restorative Roots Project which she helped turn into its own non-profit. She has a passion for art and hopes to incorporate that talent into the Restorative Justice process. Shaylie also cares deeply about helping to give voice to youth and others impacted by the carceral system.



The world's first restorative justice podcast and public lives platform, since 2011, reaching and connecting 6 continents and tens of thousands of listeners and practitioners per episode.

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Restorative Justice on the Rise

Media That Matters: Public Dialogue On Justice

To provide connection, advocacy, education and inspired action as a public service to individuals and communities seeking to proactively improve relationships and structures within their spheres and our world.

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Media That Matters:
Public Dialogue On Justice

Restorative Justice on the Rise is an international live dialogue via Webcast and Telecouncil platform that reaches an international constituency of invididuals, organizations, professionals, academics, practitioners, and more. The mission is to provide connection, advocacy, education and inspired action as a public service to individuals and communities seeking to proactively improve relationships and structures within their spheres and our world.

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