
Restorative Justice 101

2-Part Webinar providing a thorough overview of RJ in the US & beyond.

With Dr. Sandra Pavelka & Molly Rowan Leach

Strengthen your knowledge of restorative justice

(RJ) Basics or learn for the first time, to support your entrance into or further exploration of the field and its possibilities.

This class is for Professionals, Community Advocates, Individuals interested in learning more in order to become more involved, or create, their own community programs. It's also for those wishing to receive an up-to-the-moment report on the climate of Restorative Justice in the US.

This is not a facilitation skills training. The 2 sessions will provide you great insights into program successes, why recidivism is so low in RJ, and how the US is fast-adopting a restorative lens in cross-spectrum human services areas.

Personal: $69.00 USD

Professional/Pedagogical*: $299.00 USD

Includes Both Session 1 & 2, Webcast Replay & Visuals, Mp3 and Slide Deck for each.

*denotes license and permission for unlimited use for staff, schools, professional trainings.

Restorative Justice on the Rise

Media That Matters: Public Dialogue On Justice

To provide connection, advocacy, education and inspired action as a public service to individuals and communities seeking to proactively improve relationships and structures within their spheres and our world.

© Copyright 2017 - All Rights Reserved.

Media That Matters:
Public Dialogue On Justice

Restorative Justice on the Rise is an international live dialogue via Webcast and Telecouncil platform that reaches an international constituency of invididuals, organizations, professionals, academics, practitioners, and more. The mission is to provide connection, advocacy, education and inspired action as a public service to individuals and communities seeking to proactively improve relationships and structures within their spheres and our world.

© Copyright Restorative Justice On The Rise. All Rights Reserved.
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