
Art As Intervention

Art As Intervention: A Conversation with Pablo Martínez-Zárate

In this deeply powerful 45m conversation he dives into:

  • The importance of art as intervention instead of representation
  • The confines of plot in film
  • The invitation of spaciousness in film
  • Questions that arise when expressing oneself
  • How to belong in a digital age
Artist and Professor, IberoDocsLab, Mexico

Pablo Martínez-Zárate is a media artist, documentary filmmaker and scholar living and working in Mexico City. His work explores the interconnection between memory, body and territory through experimental media practice. In 2022-23 he is Artist in Residence at The Netherlands Film Academy, part of Amsterdam University of the Arts. He is considered one of the pioneers and foremost exponents of web and interactive documentary in Mexico and Latin America. His films, interactive projects and installations have shown in important museums in Mexico and festivals such as DocsMX and Ambulante in Mexico City, MIDBO in Bogota, or IDFA in Amsterdam. He is Professor at Universidad Iberoamericana Mexico City, where he founded, a platform for critical innovation in documentary practice. He has published several non-fiction books that seek to reflect on the power of art in a world in crisis, as well as artist publications.

Co-Hosted by Molly Rowan Leach and Liz Nass

Salzburg Global Seminar


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