Molly Rowan Leach has been immersed in the field of restorative justice for over a decade, and involved previous to that for 20 years as a loved one of a long-term incarcerated person. Needless to say, Molly’s experiences inform a deep and wide handle on the context and the details as to why restorative justice is such a critical relational and systems necessity. In 2020, she is offering individual and organizational strategic coaching for those interested in, or already implementing, some form of restorative practice. She is also available for life coaching with long-term experience in resilience, trauma, and the alchemy of healing and seva/service.
Molly’s experience includes a well-rounded hands-on leadership on both national and local levels in RJ, as a former community program lead in multiple communities in Colorado. She strives to support individuals, leaders, community co-ownership and engaged evaluation from a proactive, positive standpoint. Molly’s expertise has been endorsed by many in the field, and it’s guaranteed you will come away feeling refreshed if not challenged to new potentials. You will also be equipped with a network of resources and trainers that she will connect you with specific to your pocket of work in the field.
1-2 Hour Sessions. One-time basis or discounted for commitment of six months at one per month. Sessions look at both personal and/or professional needs. Molly is not a licensed counselor but can offer deep guidance on personal tragedy, alchemizing trauma, and finding one’s personal and unique gift/s--and how those might map out in the world. Sessions are crafted towards your needs--no one session carries the same format, but the basic areas we look at are passion and goals, challenges, and mapping resources and doable actions.
(PayPal Credit Available or accept any credit/debit card)
For School Administrators, Community Practitioners, Community Program Coordinators, and much more.
We often work with groups and organizations via Zoom or another preferred webucation platform of choice. These sessions begin with a small group pre-session evaluation of needs and challenges, in order to preface the fuller group sessions. If your group is small or very large, no problem. Aimed at assessment of gaps, needs, and creating actionable steps to meet and fulfill those needs and bridge gaps. Includes work with staff conflict resolution, policy issues, internal climate shifting, and more.
We use multiple portals for e-commerce, including PayPal Credit, which offers you the ability to purchase your plan of choice on credit or use any debit or credit card of choice. If you don’t prefer PayPal, we have other options for you to process e-transactions. We can offer a limited number of special payment plans for those in need, but cannot offer scholarships at this time.
Choose the plan that is right for you and then pay your deposit. We will contact you immediately within 24 hours of receiving deposit with confidentiality forms and agreements, along with scheduling the session; and, where applicable, the pre-session evaluative. Full Session Fees due previous to session time unless otherwise arranged.