
Rep Pete Lee on Restorative Justice

Rep. Pete Lee, (CO) on the power of Restorative Justice

Officer Greg Ruprecht of the Longmont, Colorado Police Department does a 180° – from doubting Restorative Justice to wholeheartedly believing in its efficacy.

RJOY's mission is to fundamentally shift the way we respond to youthful wrongdoing from punitive approaches that inflict more harm to restorative approaches that repair it.

Victims and perpetrators of Sierra Leone’s brutal civil war come together for the first time in an unprecedented program of tradition-based truth-telling and forgiveness ceremonies.

Buy the DVD in the Fambul Tok Store

This is the first in a series of educational videos about restorative justice and related subjects such as trauma, shame and addiction.  A Healing River is a collection of passionate voices and heartfelt stories that take you on a journey through the paradigm shift that some call restorative justice.  The film takes a thought provoking look at the issues of trauma, recovery and the psychological foundations of restorative process. (Buy the 84 min. DVD available through Heartspeak Productions)

Carl Stauffer Ph.D is a Co-Director of the Zehr Institute, and Assistant Professor of Justice and Development Studies, at Eastern Mennonite University.

Unlike the more familiar court process, restorative justice is a little known option that may be available to those affected by harm. In this piece, a victim speaks of his experience in a restorative justice circle process with Communities for Restorative Justice (C4RJ;

Cobe Williams, CeaseFire violence interrupter, brings together siblings who have been separated by one young man's incarceration. From the film THE INTERRUPTERS by Steve James and Alex Kotlowitz, shot out of Kartemquin Films. Find out more at To order The Interrupters on DVD or Blu-ray go to

Restorative Justice is an alternative to the judicial system that is proving successful around the world in keeping youth offenders out of jail and reducing recidivism. A partner process, Restorative Circles, is a community-based system that supports those involved in conflict by bringing together the parties involved and creating conditions for mutually beneficial action. Dominic Barter is an internationally recognized expert on restorative justice.

Community Conferencing Center in Baltimore

Restorative Justice on the Rise

Media That Matters: Public Dialogue On Justice

To provide connection, advocacy, education and inspired action as a public service to individuals and communities seeking to proactively improve relationships and structures within their spheres and our world.

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