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James O'Dea: World Peace Library Archives

James O'Dea
Focus Area:
Healing Collective Wounds, Conscious Activism, Social Healing, More
Award winning author, Former President of the Institute of Noetic Sciences

James O’Dea is award winning author of The Conscious ActivistCultivating Peace, Soul Awakening Practice and other worksHe is a former President of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Washington office director of Amnesty International and CEO of the Seva Foundation.

He has taught peacebuilding to over a thousand students in 30 countries and mentored emerging leaders. He has also conducted frontline social healing dialogues around the world. He is a founding member of The Evolutionary Leaders group and on the Advisory Board of The Peace Alliance, and a Fellow of the Laszlo New Paradigm Institute.

'James O'Dea is a modern day prophet who has journeyed further than anyone I know in the ways of peace' --Lynne Twist, Pachamama Alliance

'James O'Dea is indubitably one of the most evolved souls on the planet' --Ervin Laszlo author of over 40 books on cosmology, consciousness and new science.

Notes / Slides (if available):

Restorative Justice on the Rise

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